If your business is like most, retail trade spend is probably your second largest cost. We’ve found that 70% of retail marketing activities lose money.
In fact, every year, you could be wasting as much money on poor performing retail activities as you make in profit. Companies, big or small, new or established, want a better return on their retail investment.
Look at it this way: if every activity in retail marketing activity broke even, most brands would double their profits. However, this is only possible when you invest wisely.
We have developed a process that enables you to select your investments by anticipating the potential return on your investment. And this process, this takes place BEFORE you launch the activity in the marketplace.
Foresight is vital as it assists you in assessing any potential losses and, maximizing your positive return on investment, assuming, that is, that the activity is executed according to plan.
You need to create a sense check of the potential effectiveness of your activity plan against the key attributes that drive growth:
- Does my program support consumption growth?
The purpose of shopper marketing is to change our target shopper’s behaviour and drive consumption. The reason is that consumption is the fuel that drives the growth of all consumer brands growth. - Does my program profitably meet my company’s objectives?
To avoid the potential waste that often comes with in-store investment, you should determine your activities’ profitability. - Does my program profitably meet my customers’ objectives?
You should be able to identify the gains from which your retail customer will benefit.
If you would like to know more, our Effective Retail Marketing program has been developed to teach managers how to target investment on activities that are most likely to deliver results and help them deliver activities that could double the profitability of your brands.
Learn more about the Effective Retail Marketing program and how it can change the way that you market.
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